Saturday, October 15, 2016

How To Controll Over Tag Posts And Hide Someone's Post From Facebook Timeline


Facebook is online social media which helps people connect to eachother. It helps people to upload pictures comment on that and even let  them chat. Facebook is making people together where they are living. Facebook is also one of the free advertising sourcewhere you can promote your contents through pages or groups. Although facebok is good but some redicilous activites are performing by the peoples they comment bad,they tag unnecessarily and we are talking about these .
I think many of you may know about the facebook tricks thus its not a trick but the simple setting of facebook which we may or may not know and are searching for  how to do this and that of your profile.So if you are waiting for that now you are at right place to learn about those all the thing.Check the contents below if you are searching for that.


  • How to control what is posted and tagged on your profile by your friends?
YEs of course these days me myself was sufferng alot from those tags by the known and unknowm friends from my list in disgusting and noncense photos which was giving me trouble but later I changed my seeting and was able to control that.after i changed the setting when someone tags or posted on my wall i get noticed and if i think that good i approve that of not i ignores that.
So here are the steps to do that
Go on your facebook setting and then click on 'timeline and tagging' and click edit and then next to "Review posts that friends tag you in before thay appear on your timeline?" and select On . After doing this all you are now free from those unwanted tags .
Look below in the photos you will be more cleared
After clicking on circled one you will see like below whee you can approve or hide that tagged posts from your timeline

  • You may have such friend in your timeline whose posts may make you shame so futher more you dont want to see their posts but they are your friend soo you cannot unfirend or block them,in this case what to do? Are you worried ?Are you curious to know about it?

If yes then I am giving you the best ideas for that which is very simple than you think. While adding someone you are following them too due to which you are seeing their posts soo if you unfollow them you wont get their posts in your news just go to their timeline and unfollow them.

And similarly you may love someones post very much which you dont want to miss. So in this case you can simply go to that persons or page profile and click there on see first.

And keeping default will show the posts ramdomly like before.

Below picture makes you all clear on how to do that.

This was so simple and hope its helping you soo much.

Any queries or  wants something more have your opinion in comment box below.

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