HMD Global has finally introduced Nokia smart phone in India which includes Nokia 3, 5 and 6. These all smartphones were announced at a special event held in New Delhi. The phones are supposed to be selling soon. The nokia 3 and nokia 5 are selling through offline channel means shops or market where nokia 6 is selling through amazon. Here in this articles I'm going to discuss about the phone nokia 5 its price,its features, its operating system, storage , camera etc.
Like I have named above about the three smart phones, they seems to be brothers. The design of these phones are a bit different than one another. The phone has aluminum finishing with curves at its corners of the frames. While the edge of Nokia 6 found to be sharper. It has 2.4D curved glass which is measured to have 5.2 inches. You get fingerprint scanner on home button and a vertical camera on its back top. All around the design it great and it looks really great.
The phone has got 3000 mAh battery power which is not so bad and may works for around 3 hours in my view. But for full charging how much it takes its still not sure and may it supports fast charging too. The phone has got smaller display which means it may not take much battery power due to this battery may lasts for longer times but it also depends on Operating System.
Operating System
In this phone you can get the latest version 7.1.1 Nougot. It is similar that is of Nokia 6. Here you get all the basic applications of google. All together it has smooth running os .
Lastly, the phone may costs around 12890 and it has got 2 GB RAM and 16 GB internal memory. And you can use upto 128 GB external memory. It has also got the camera at front and back front camera has got 8 mega pixel with f/2.0 aperture where back camera has got 13 mega pixel with fash light.
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