As we all know Instagram is being popular day by day.Millions of users use instagram just to share the photos and videos with their followers. But nowadays Instagram has also become the source for advertisement . Also pleople can also promote their stuffs freely on their profile as well as by the contract with the app developer. Instagram also let you to capture pictures and video which means it also acts as the camera. In Instagram we can also do chat with the people with whom we want and in instagram we don't have online list so we cant see if the person is online or offline. But the advantage is people dont know if we are online so we can chat with the person we like without any disturbance.
And Today's topic is not about to describe about the uses and introduction of Instagram but we are discussing here about how to increase the followers in instagram. Yes we all wants to increase our followers. May be few of you have tried different methods to increase the followers. Some may have worked and some may not have worked. But Today I will give you the best trick so that you can increase daily about 200 Followers. I don't think its that much difficult to increase about 200 followers daily.
Use This App to get followers and also to get like as this app is world popular insta tags collection app.Download it and use the tags available in app it helps you to gain followers and also get more like from the people all around the world.
Click to download the App===>> World Popular InstaTags
1 Now lets go to the main point. If you seriously wanted to increase your followers and become popular first of all follow the peoples whom you want.Yes if you are in search of followers just do follow everyone you want. May be you are thinking that if you follow everyone your following will be More than followers.But you don't need to worry about that for balancing your followers and following i will suggest you to use one android app(Follower Assistant) which helps you to detect the new followers who folowerd you , lost followers who unfollowed you and unfollowing. Through this app you can detect and unfollow every one who hasn't followed you back.If you do this surely followers will increase but through this your follower will be in balance.
2 Now another best way to increase followers is to follow the popular faces of instagram like selena Gomez,Ariana Grande etc.May be you are worried how to find the top intagram which has more followers. So for that also you don't have to worry.For that go to instagram search page and search popugram . After you search that you get that there just click on that profile and click on its followings it has followings between 150-200. So after you go to its following list you found their profile of popular faces just keep on following them and look after a while your followers start to increase rapidly but the followers gained from here will not follow you permanently they will follow and unfollow you too but certainly at a time you do this you can gain 20 plus followers but they are your followers whom you don't need to follow back to that bring difference in your followers and following. And after this process too you need to go to that app (Follower Assistant) and do the same as above.
3And last way to increase followers in instagram is to use the apps which provides you followers from earning the points.If you search in playstore you can get those apps.
- In a day you can only follow to 1000 peoples.
- In that app you can unfollow only 200 peoples in hour and daily limit of unfollow is 1000. If you cleverly try to unfolloed more that the limit you will be blocked.
- Try to follow back and follow those accounts which have around equal number of followers and following or never follow the accounts which has more followers than following because there is less chance of follow back.
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