There are many programs and products conducted by the AdSense among them AdSense is one of the best product of google. AdSense is one of the best monetizing platform for our contents. There are many others platform that can monetize your contents but AdSense is taken as the best platform but we all the the best things are hard to get. So we need to struggle more to get the platform of AdSense for monetizing . But Its not hard if you follow the guidelines and work sincerely. If your try to cheat or use your negative mind than don't ever thing of having AdSense for your work. Google is very sensitive it detects your every actions and they gives you the reaction.
Today we are discussing about these all things.
What is needed to do before applying for AdSense?
How To Apply for AdSense?
How to verify AdSense from our blog or word press?
Firstly we need to know that there are two types of AdSense. and non-hosted AdSense.
Hosted AdSense
It is the AdSense which is approved from YouTube, admob etc. From this AdSense we cannot have ads on websites,blog or wordpress. But later on we can upgrade this adsence to non-hosted by applying from the site.
Non-Hosted AdSense
You may have known above, non-hosted AdSense is the AdSense which is approved from the websites. once you approve your adsence from websites then you can get ads on your content and you can earn money non-hosted AdSense gives you 68% revenue.
Things To Remember Before Applying For adsence
1 .Contents
Yes content matters alot while applying for AdSense. You need to have unique contents in your blog or sites. Your niches should be unique with the best understanding language. Your Content should only be in the AdSense supported language. you can check that in google . But if you have English content there is no problem.
2.Content Size
Your content should be more. I mean your one post must be at least of 500 words and you need to have at least 30 plus posts. All the posts must be your own posts. You cannot copy paste or modify others posts but you can use grammarly pro to do such things to remove copyrights modify and use it but i suggest you to writer the posts yourself.
3.Pages Needed
For the AdSense approval you must need to have these pages in your site. Home page,Privacy Policy page, Disclaimer page, Contact us page, About us page and site map. If you add these all pages your AdSense approval is easy.
4.Custom Domain
Before Applying for adsence you need to have custom domain. First of all i will suggest you to use the paid domain like .com .net etc because those domain have high chance to be approved but you can also use free doamins properly. I had used free domain and i was able to approved myself. I had also used .tk domain and was approved. so you can also use .tk domain. But make sure to follow all above rules before planning of domain. And remember your domain should be at least one month old.
Of course you need to have traffic before applying for adsense . If you have traffic AdSense approval is easy as you know traffic is the mostly needed things for your site. So try to get organic traffic use SEO(Search Engine Optimization) tools and also try to share your posts on social medias. After you start getting traffics then you can approve for AdSense.
How to Apply For AdSense?
Once you follow all the steps above then you can apply for AdSense . For applying simply you need to sign up for AdSense and remember you need to make your GMail aged more than 20. After you have the Gmail you can use that GMail for sign up in AdSense. provide the details your original name address and all. And then there you need to use your website . Means the domain you have added in your blog or word press. Do all the steps and at last you get the code Now you need to copy that code and then parse that code. You can also parse your adsense ad code from here . After you parse the code copy that and paste it on <head>you AdSense ad code </head> . For this You need to go to your template add that there.
If you Follow All the above steps you can approve your AdSense in one time. And if you have any queries or you wanted to have free .tk domain you can contact me or comment below.
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